Bitumen and Asphalt Testing Equipments

-- Adhesiveness Test
-- Bankleman Beam Apparatus
-- Bitumen Extractor
-- Bitumen Penetrometer
-- Camber Board
-- Core Drilling Machine
-- Dean and Stark
-- Determination of Cut Back Bitumen
-- Distillation App.
-- Distillation for Road Tar
-- Distillation of Crude Tar
-- Ductility Testing Machine
-- E.V.T. Viscometer
-- Electrical Strength
-- Extension Test

-- Float Test App.
-- Kinematic Viscosity Bath
-- Loss on Heating Test of Tar Bitumen
-- Low Temperature Water Bath
-- Marshall Compactor (Automatic)
-- Marshall Stability Test Apparatus
-- Planetary Mixer
-- Ring and Ball App.
-- Sampling Tubes
-- Softening Point App.
-- Standard Penetrometer
-- Straight Edge
-- Tar Viscometer
-- Vacuum Pump

Bitumen Extractor

The Centrifuge Extractors are used for determination of bitumen percentage in hot mixed paving mixtures and pavement samples. The mix is added with a solvent and dissolved bitumen is removed by centrifugal action. The Extractors are available in two versions, Hand operated and motorised electrically driven.

Bitumen Penetrometer

The apparatus consist of a cast aluminium base with an iron stand on which moves an aluminium arm. A 6" dial is fixed on this arm and a brass chromium plated rod slide through the lower portion of the arm. A needle with weights is fitted to this rod. The dial is graduated from 0-400 in one tenth millimeter sub division. Supplied complete with adjustable needle holder, penetration needle sample container, transfer dish and weight of 50 gms.

Bitumen Penetrometer

Ductility Testing Machine

This method is used for determining the ductility of bituminous materials by measuring the elongation before breaking when two ends of a briquette specimen are pulled apart at a speed of 50mm/min + 2.5mm/min at temperature of 270C + 0.50C.

Ductility Testing Machine
Standard Penetrometer

A depression is made in the sample by a needle of a definite weight, which is measured in tenths of a millimeter and expressed, as penetration number. A standard needle penetrates vertically under surcharge weight of 50 gm into a sample under test temperature at 250C for 5 seconds of duration. This test determines the consistency and thereby the grade of the bitumen.
Standard Penetrometer
01. Soil and Sand Testing Equipments 05. General Laboratory Equipments
02. Cement and Concrete Testing Equipments 06. Surveying Instruments
03. Bitumen and Asphalt Testing Equipments 07. Electronics and Manual Weighngscales
04. Aggregrate Testing Equipments 08. Personal Protective Equipments
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